Monday, January 6, 2020

Gender Roles Are Ensuring For Children - 877 Words

Gender roles are ensuring that children grow up to be mediocre. Sexist stereotypes that were functional at one time are increasingly irrelevant, causing young adults to form a safe haven from the real world. Feminists today are relishing in the results of their predecessors rather than continuing the fight. Combining the recent phenomenon of â€Å"Guyland† with failing to keep momentum in feminism we’re setting up the next generation for struggle. It is in the interest of our society to continue to strive for gender equality. Traditional gender roles shape who a child will become as they develop over time. There is nothing wrong with a woman being feminine or a male being masculine, nor is there a problem with those qualities blending. It was men and women complying with stereotypes that made up the nuclear family years ago. With the blending of those roles we do see negative reparations. An example of this would be seeing an increase of men staying home to take on some sort of car giving role whether it be for their children or family member. According to an article published by from 2014: â€Å"At-home fathers are twice as likely to lack a high school diploma as working fathers (22% vs. 10%). And almost half (47%) of stay-at-home fathers are living in poverty, compared with 8% of working fathers. This poverty figure is even higher than among stay-at-home mothers (34% of whom are in poverty), and may be due, in part, to the fact that stay-at-home fathersShow MoreRelatedThe Stand ards And School Law1129 Words   |  5 Pagessuch as National Board Teaching Standards. How do both types of support student learning? There are several standards that have been set in the education sector with the aim of ensuring that sustainable education in the society is achieved. 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